2013년 3월 18일 월요일

♥ REVIEW ♥ Collagen Jella Pack- Korean Skin Care Products~!!~♥

Hello ~!!~
This will be a Korean skin care product~  As many of you may know, collagen is amazing for the skin!  That is why many companies have come out with collagen based products, whether they are moisturizers or supplements, to help bring that elasticity to the skin.  (Warning: this may sound disgusting>_< )Among the many different sources to get the collagen, it is said that the pig's skin has the most collagen in it.   It was an already known fact that pig's skin has a lot of collagen, and it actually tastes really good and not at all how it sounds.  But, especially after a Korean show called "화성인 바이러스" that featured a 30ish old woman with skin of a baby said that her secret was to grind pig skin and place it over her face as a mask, there was a great interest in pig skin and different ways of using it other than just eating it.  But, not only do you have to put a lot of time and effort into it by washing it, plucking excess hairs, grinding it, and actually making it into a pack, but also you have to sit through the stinky smell of raw pig's skin!

However!! A company called SE-SALO came up with a collagen pack that contains the same amount of collagen that is in pig's skin, with a hassle-free application and without the bad smell.  It is called: Green Piggy Collagen Jella Pack.

It has a really cute packaging as well:)  It comes with a little spoon as the spatula~

It's like jelly!!  I want my skin to look this smooth and full of elasticity~~

What's cool about this pack is that if you mix it up.........

......... it bounces back into its original shape!

I just placed it on the right side of my hand so you can kind of see the difference.

narooholic's review
YAY. : easy way to get a lot of collagen; can be used like a sleeping mask; cheap; can be used daily; a little goes a long way
BOO: jelly consistency makes application a little difficult 

You can check out the product here if you are interested:)

*READ ME* This is not a sponsored blog post.

댓글 2개:

  1. Wa... i am a guy... not gay..

    but wanted to try .. how's your experience in it?

  2. Do you have the ingredient list for this ?
